Hi, I’m Dave Woods. After 20+ years in UX and marketing, I know there’s a great team behind every winning website or digital product.

The problem is, many in-house UX, product, and marketing teams have critical capability gaps caused by layoffs, budgets, or growing pains.

I can help you fill these gaps through fractional, part-time services, including big-picture consulting, hands-on contracting, or helpful coaching.

Specifically, three of my greatest strengths are the areas of greatest need for most teams. They’re also three of the best ways to humanize digital experiences, delight users, and increase ROI:

  • Service Design & Journey Mapping

    Every component, feature, or page is just one step in a larger user journey from A to B to C. But circumstances often push in-house designers to be so focused on pixels that the design of the journey is neglected, resulting in disconnects which anger or harm users.

    I’ll help your team identify these pain points and redesign these pathways to be integrated, efficient, and silky smooth.
  • Content Strategy / Design & Storytelling

    If journey mapping is the path, content and story are the essential tour guides that lead the way. Yet content is also one of the most chronically understaffed and misunderstood functions on most teams (lorem ipsum, anyone?).

    My strategic yet practical approach to content and story will empower your team and enhance everything your users see, hear, or touch.
  • Digital Accessibility & Inclusive Design

    If you think content is understaffed and misunderstood, accessibility says “hold my beer.” You know your team needs to get serious about it for legal, ethical, brand, and ROI reasons — but how?

    I can’t do everything for you (no one can). But I can make accessibility and the WCAG easier for your staff to understand and implement. I can also help you build the foundation for your future accessibility program.

    And as a creator of accessibility training videos, and one of only ~800 Certified Professionals in Web Accessibility (CPWAs) worldwide, I’m the right guy for the job.

The best part is, my service model is flexible, so I can tailor my strengths and services to your team’s exact needs.

Maybe you need a fractional leader or consultant to help with vision, strategy, or even setting up and launching a new practice area.

Maybe you need a part-time individual contributor to get into the trenches and work alongside your full-time staff.

Or maybe your staff needs just a few hours of coaching and mentoring each week to help with professional development or demystifying complex topics.

Whatever you need, I’m here to help up to 20 hours per week via fully-remote hourly or retainer arrangements. Better yet, my contracts are month to month, so we can adjust accordingly as your team’s needs evolve.

I’m proud to say that my services generate superior results and earn rave reviews.

In fact, in my previous CX / UX consultancy (Deedub Inc.), my clients were so happy that most of our partnerships lasted 4+ years across multiple contract renewals.

Here are just a few past client and colleague testimonials, plus case studies:

Escondido Union School District.

“Dave has a really unique, multidisciplinary skill set, and he’s full of great ideas. He didn’t just do amazing CX, UX, and marketing work for EUSD he also taught and empowered us to be self-sufficient. I can’t believe how much we learned from Dave about strategy, design, marketing, accessibility, and more.”
Kathy Shirley
Director of Technology and Innovation (Retired)
Read the EUSD case study

California Center for the Arts, Escondido.

“Working with Dave was an incredible experience. He was thoughtful and thorough in his approach, effectively utilizing market research and industry knowledge to inform his top-quality strategic marketing and UX work. He also communicated clearly, created realistic benchmarks and, after much hard work, delivered a final product that we are immensely proud of.”
Jerry Van Leeuwen
Executive Director (Retired)
Read the Center case study

California State University San Marcos.

“In higher education, it’s almost unprecedented to see major projects move from concept to approval to completion as quickly as our CSUSM website redesign projects did. While it was certainly a team effort, I attribute much of the projects’ quality and efficiency to Dave’s leadership, vision, and high-impact design. His ability to garner support at all levels of the organization was impressive, and buy-in from senior leadership was almost instantaneous.”
Neal Hoss
Vice President, University Advancement (Retired)
Read the CSUSM case study

Think Grand.

“I moved to Escondido, knowing no one. Shortly after arriving, I found Think Grand: the movement, website, and people. I knew I wanted to be involved because its premise created a positive space to discuss the betterment of Escondido. Dave is innovative and strives to create an environment where all opinions are respected and people are valued, asking thought-provoking questions about the community we live in.”
An Escondido resident and Think Grand volunteer

Literacy and the Law.

“Working with Dave was the wisest move we made in getting our digital civics curriculum project organized. His conscientious follow-through and attention to detail was equally matched by his amazing creativity. In addition, Dave’s warm, confident communication style was extremely effective when presenting to staff, judges, attorneys, and educators. Without reservation, I highly recommend Dave Woods.”
Fran Chadwick
Project Director and Associate Professor of Social Studies Education (Retired)

Via Palm Springs.

“I’ve worked with numerous service providers over the years, and Dave is one of the best I’ve seen in any trade or industry. Simply exceptional! The intuitive and informative web experience he created for my vacation rental business gave me immediate credibility. It sealed the deal for many prospective renters.”
Susan Karlshoej
Owner, Via Palm Springs